RISD Capital Planning Committee

RISD’s Campus Master Plan (CMP) plan focuses on process and planning structures as fundamental. The RISD Capital Planning Committee (RCPC) is charged with developing and executing strategy to address major capital needs including deferred maintenance, strategic plan initiatives, and both physical and technological investments. The Committee will engage and communicate with the Cabinet, Deans, and general RISD community regarding CMP projects. It will review and assess projects as they are developing, ensure alignment with the CMP and its principles, track progress on CMP goals, and recommend any modifications to the master plan.

The committee’s full charter can be found here: Charter – RISD Capital Planning Committee.

CMP Members

(Will be determined in Fall 2024)

Meeting Schedule

The Committee meets monthly during the academic year; as needed in the summer. For more information please contact the Associate Director of Planning, Design & Construction.

Space and Facilities Projects Request Form

The request form can be found at etcentral.risd.edu.

Instructions: Navigate to Forms, Facilities and then select the Space and Facilities Projects Request form. After you complete the form please submit and it will be routed to the appropriate people for approval.